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Points to remember when logging out

Notify your financial institution that you have finished e-banking so that your session can be terminated securely.

The most important points to remember:

  • Terminate your e-banking session correctly via the function provided for it (usually indicated by the terms “log off”, “log out” or “exit”).
  • Please clear your browser cache every time you log out of any e-banking sessions.

Terminate your e-banking session securely

When you have finished your e-banking, don’t simply close the website or browser or switch your device off straight away. Instead, please terminate your e-banking session correctly via the function provided for it (usually indicated by the terms “log off”, “log out” or “exit”).

This notifies your financial institution that you have finished your e-banking session, so the connection is terminated properly. When logging in the next time, users will then once again be asked for identification.

Delete your browser history

A variety of data (texts, images, etc.) are stored temporarily on your device while surfing the Internet - i.e. also while e-banking. These could offer certain opportunities for attack. You should therefore remove these temporarily stored data after you have finished e-banking, and please clear your so-called “browser history” every time you log out of any e-banking sessions.

You should therefore please clear your so-called “browser history” every time you log out of any e-banking sessions.

Alternatively, you can also open a so-called incognito or private mode window in your browser before logging in, which will ensure no data are stored in the first place.

When logging out, the session started with the e-banking system when logging in is terminated.

Figuratively speaking, the financial institution is closing the door again, which was opened to users when logging in - a closed door is safer than an open one.

Find out here what to remember when logging in.

Find out here what to remember when e-banking.

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