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Anyone retrieving information published on our «eBanking – but secure!» website on the World Wide Web or in our EBAS app declare their acceptance of the following terms:

Use of «eBanking – but secure!» website/app and copyright

The entirety of the «eBanking – but secure!» website/app contents addresses the Swiss population and is protected by copyright (all rights reserved). It is permissible to download or print out individual pages or parts of the «eBanking – but secure!» website/app as long as no copyright notices or other legally protected terms are removed. All proprietary rights for any software or any other data downloads obtained from the «eBanking – but secure!» website/app, or for any duplication in any other manner will remain with the Hochschule Luzern. Unless authorized in writing by the Hochschule Luzern beforehand, any reproduction, transfer (electronic or otherwise), modification, linkage or use of the entirety or of part of the «eBanking – but secure!» website/app for public or commercial purposes is prohibited.

No recommendation / no assurance

The entirety of the information provided on the «eBanking – but secure!» website/app is of a general and descriptive character. Neither the Hochschule Luzern nor any of their associate members provide any assurances or issue any warranties for its correctness, reliability or completeness. Persons using any information derived from the «eBanking – but secure!» website/app are obliged to verify and check it for accuracy. Information and opinions distributed via the «eBanking – but secure!» website/app are subject to change at any time without prior notification.


The Hochschule Luzern and/or its associate members do not accept any liability (including negligence) for any damages or subsequent damages arising in consequence of accessing or using any elements of the «eBanking – but secure!» website/app or from their use (or from the impossibility of access or use).

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When recording and processing personal data, the Hochschule Luzern observes the provisions of Swiss data protection legislation. Information provided via our contact form will only be used to process an enquiry, and will not be stored.

Links to other websites

The Hochschule Luzern has not checked any of the websites linked to the «eBanking – but secure!» website/app, and does not accept any liability for their contents, or for any products, services or any other offers quoted on such websites.

Offers quoted on other websites

The Hochschule Luzern dissociates itself from any offers similar to our products and services quoted on other websites.



Hochschule Luzern – Informatik
Campus Zug-Rotkreuz
Suurstoffi 1
CH-6343 Rotkreuz

Tel. +41 41 757 68 11

For questions please use our contact form.

What else would you like to learn about security when e-banking?

Register for a course now
and learn more:

Basic course

Find out about current Internet threats and some easy protective measures, and how to securely use e-banking.

further information

Course mobile banking/payments

Find out about mobile banking, mobile payments and how to securely use these apps.

further information

Course on cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency beginner? Find out about the most popular cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain technology behind them.

further information

Course for SMEs

Is your organisation sufficiently secure? Learn which measures you can take to significantly strengthen your organisation’s IT security.

further information