SME are a popular target: Cyber criminals will do a great deal to obtain access data via hacking, phishing or social engineering. Make sure to protect them!
Despite all efforts so far for a password-free future, it looks like password-based access methods will be here to stay for a few years yet. This is because groundbreaking processes, for instance “passkeys” on a biometric basis, are simply not developed and distributed widely enough just yet.
It is in companies in particular you will find an abundance of general and employer-specific passwords. And although it is often difficult to manage them, this is of vital importance. That’s because there is a widespread risk of data leaks, hacking, phishing or social engineering in digital space.
Therefore, it is ever more important to sensitize your employees to this risk and to have uniform guidelines for password use and management in place. This is where you should invest in a so-called password policy. How to create and implement such a policy is explained in our latest article on “Password guidelines for SME”.