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Please remain careful in 2020, too!

Criminals will still want to get their hands on your money in 2020, and are employing ever more ingenious methods to do so. Please refer to our new website and find out how to protect yourself effectively!

Especially our search function is very innovative and “powerful”! This can be used to look for specific information you are looking for. Try it!


What else would you like to learn about security when e-banking?

Register for a course now
and learn more:

Basic course

Find out about current Internet threats and some easy protective measures, and how to securely use e-banking.

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Course mobile banking/payments

Find out about mobile banking, mobile payments and how to securely use these apps.

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Course on cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency beginner? Find out about the most popular cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain technology behind them.

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Course for SMEs

Is your organisation sufficiently secure? Learn which measures you can take to significantly strengthen your organisation’s IT security.

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