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Decoding free of charge? Yes please!

You or your company have fallen victim to a ransomware attack, and the criminals involved offer to decode your data at a “fair price”? Often you can do so free of charge.

The Nomoreransom website offers a helping hand to ransomware victims. They do so by providing them with ransomware decoding tools for a variety of variants free of charge.
If there is no decoding program available for a victim yet, it often helps to just wait, and in particular to file criminal charges. Security companies and authorities are actually continuously working to expand the Nomoreransom repertoire.
This is demonstrated by the successful investigations against the group behind the “LockerGoga” ransomware. As a result of a house search in Switzerland, they were actually able to secure data enabling them to create the “LockerGoga” ransomware decoding software. This is now also available on Nomoreransom.
Further information on ransomware and in particular also on how you can protect yourself can be found here.

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Cryptocurrency beginner? Find out about the most popular cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain technology behind them.

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Is your organisation sufficiently secure? Learn which measures you can take to significantly strengthen your organisation’s IT security.

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