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E-banking in transition

The introduction of e-banking, mobile banking and mobile payments has caused fundamental changes in traditional banking over the last few years. Personal contact in a bank branch used to be important; now banking is more anonymous.

E-banking has constituted a convenient and efficient method for customers to manage their finances without having to physically visit a bank branch for some time now. It enables users to access their banking services at any time by simply logging themselves in via a web browser, carrying out their transactions and then logging out again.

Mobile banking is a specific type of e-banking and allows users to carry out their banking transactions via mobile devices (smartphones, tablets). Although many people value the benefits of mobile banking, there are widespread concerns about it, too. Studies show that there is no absolute trust in the security of mobile solutions. And this despite both options – e-banking and mobile banking – being considered extremely secure.

Mobile payment methods allow payments and money transfers using mobile devices without the need for any physical means of payment such as cash or cards. Services such as Apple Pay, Google Wallet und Twint are widely used for these purposes. Usage of such services considerably increased during the Corona pandemic. In 2021, 38% of all respondents in Switzerland confirmed they are using mobile payment options at least once a week. According to statistics from January 2024, four million people are actively using Twint, amounting to some 200 million transactions annually. Some 50% of users are aged between 20 and 39 years. With 60% of users, Twint was the payment app most frequently used in Switzerland.

These developments show that mobile digital financial services are increasingly considered a central component of everyday life.

You can find the complete and detailed article “From traditional e-banking to modern digital banking”  here on the MoreThanDigital platform.

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