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Are you still using Windows 10, or already Windows 11?

Windows 11 is the latest operating system by Microsoft and will replace Windows 10 – 7 years old already – in the medium term. However, it is not absolutely necessary to change over just yet.

The launch of Windows 10 on 29th July 2015 heralded a new era of operating systems. This system is currently used to run some three quarters of all PCs globally, and therefore probably still has quite some life in it yet – its successor, Windows 11, only makes up some 10 per cent so far.

From a security aspect though, the deciding factor is not actually a system’s degree of distribution, but if or for how long a manufacturer is still providing updates for it –  because if security updates are no longer provided, attackers can exploit potential system vulnerabilities unhindered.

Luckily enough, according to their own statement, Microsoft will still be publishing an update at least half-yearly right up to 14th October 2025. If you are therefore a Windows 10 user, you can still continue working with it for some three years with confidence.

Further information can be found in our articles on Windows 10 and Windows 11:

Clean Windows 10 installation

Clean Windows 11 installation


Data protection under Windows 10

Data protection under Windows 11


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