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Is your mobile device sufficiently protected?

Data loss and malware can also affect smartphones and tablets, especially if important security precautions are neglected.

As recent Comparis research has shown, as much as every fourth Swiss smartphone is insufficiently protected, the main reason being that updates provided to eliminate vulnerabilities in mobile device operating systems and apps are neglected and not actually run.

An antivirus app also significantly reduces the risk of malware infecting mobile devices, for instance mobile banking Trojans. Android phones in particular are at serious risk here, in particular if financial transactions such as invoice payments are processed using a tablet or smartphone. Internet fraudsters are currently trying to infiltrate unprotected Android mobile devices with a mobile banking Trojan using faked text messages about a supposed parcel delivery.

In our article, you can find out how to protect your mobile device. Or visit one of our online courses to learn about this topic.

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Basic course

Find out about current Internet threats and some easy protective measures, and how to securely use e-banking.

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Course mobile banking/payments

Find out about mobile banking, mobile payments and how to securely use these apps.

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Course on cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency beginner? Find out about the most popular cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain technology behind them.

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Course for SMEs

Is your organisation sufficiently secure? Learn which measures you can take to significantly strengthen your organisation’s IT security.

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